【2013/3/27 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天的弋果新鮮事要跟大家討論的是Loanwords (外來詞).

    Today we will talk about the integration of English into Taiwanese culture, the use of English “loanwords” in Taiwan.


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    1. Alternate 輪流
    Adj.  happening in turns; serving in place of another
    V. to take turns
    Do you like your English teacher? My feelings alternate between love and hate.


    2. Alternative 另外的選擇
    Adj. providing a choice between two or more things; existing outside the mainstream
    What do you want to eat? Hot pot!
    Hot pot again? Let’s eat something else. “What’s the alternative”?


Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

    1. In what season is the month of May? Spring
    2. Which of the following is not a country? Taipei
    3. Which of the following is not a city? Japan
    4. Which of the following does not belong with the others? A wheel
    5. Which one of the following is not a mammal? Crocodiles
    6. Which one of the following is the president of United States of America? Barrack Obama
    7. What’s the capital city of Taiwan? Taipei
    8. Which of the following holiday falls on the month of October? Halloween