【2013/4/3 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要跟大家分享的是台灣人跟外國人關心朋友的方法,Showing Love and Care。This is quite an important one for foreigners to understand. Since believe it or not, the way that Taiwanese people show care, can be quite offensive in a foreigner's view.


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    1.Quiet 安靜平靜
    Adj.  silent (be quiet!); without excitement or interruption
    Please keep the children quiet!
    I want to have a quiet evening at home today.


    2. Quite 達到某種程度相當
    Adv. to an extent 相當; amplifier, emphasis 驚歎; express agreement 表示同意理解
    You bring up quite an interesting point.
    How was your year-end party? We had quite a party!

    I made myself a cup of tea while I was waiting. That's quite alright.


Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

    1. What is the name of the animal that has black and white strips? zebra
    2. In which sport do you ‘dribble’ the ball? basketball
    3. What do pandas eat? bamboo
    4. What is the game where you have to roll a ball to knock down the pins? bowling
    5. Which animal has bigger ears? Elephant
    6. Which of the following would you find in Egypt? pyramids
    7. Which country is the city Paris in? France
    8. What do you use to breath air? Lungs
    9. What is the red flower that people give on Valentine’s Day? Rose
    10. In the fairy tales, who ate a poisonous apple? Snow White