【2013/4/17 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要跟大家分享的是: 外國人跟台灣人教養小孩的方法- Different ways of raising children. That's always a much debated topic. 養小孩的方法五花八門。到底哪一種比較管用(useful) 呢?


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    1. Borrow(V.)
    (1) To take with the promise to return, to physically borrow something 借
    (2) To use from another source or from a foreign source 引進

    My neighbor borrowed my scooter because his was broken.
    The word Ballet is borrowed from French, that's why the ‘t’ is silent.


    2. Lend(V.)
    (1) To give someone something on condition that it will be returned 把。。。借給
    (2) To give helpfully 幫助


    You don’t have a scooter to get to work with? I can lend you mine for a couple of days. 你沒有摩托車可以騎去上班嗎?我可以把我的借給你用幾天。


Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

    1.Which subject at school talks about numbers? Math
    2. What is the official language of Taiwan called? Mandarin
    3. In which popular kids game do you draw squares on the ground and hop through them? Hopscotch
    4. True or False, mice can live up to 10 years. False—captive mice live for up to 2.5 years, wild mice can only live around 4 months
    5. In Taiwan, what is the average time that students of ages 9-11 go home from school or cram school? 8pm
    6. Which country is famous for kangaroos and crocodiles? Australia