【2013/4/24 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要跟大家分享的是: 是東西方孩子的課後活動。Today we'll talk about after school activities. This is a very important part of a Western childhood. In Taiwan, after school activities也是很重要,可是台灣人對課後活動的定義比較傾向于補習,在國外課後活動比較是要參加運動。This reflects the hyper competitive nature of the school system and entrance examinations.


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    1. KNOW: To be absolutely certain about something 知道; 了解, 懂得
    I know a very good Italian restaurant down the street.


    2. ASSUME:
    (1) To suppose something to be true without proof, like a guess 以為; 假定為
    (2) To take on 承擔; 就任; 取得       
    I assume this Italian restaurant is good because it's so expensive.
    He assumed the role of head chef when the head chef was sick for the day.
    當主廚生病時, 他是主廚代理人


    3. THINK: to have a particular opinion, belief or idea, subjective opinion 認為
    I think my friend Sally will like this restaurant.



Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

    1.In which country can you find “The Great Wall”? China
    2. In which city can you find the largest high way in the world? California
    3. Which of the following have hair on their eyes? bees
    4. Who invented airplanes? Wright Brothers
    5. Which Disney movie has the character Genie in it? Aladdin

    6. What language do people speak in Mexico? Spanish