【2013/5/01 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要跟大家分享的是: 今天要跟大家分享的是學習第二語言。That's right, learning a second language has become the mainstream in Taiwan, especially with English, and also MinNanYu, Taiwanese. Yes, and even Hakka. Taiwanese children going to language classes in public schools now have to learn multiple languages. This practice is actually not new to a lot of other countries like Canada with French, and in Europe.


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    1. Literally (Adj.) Actually or really, truthfully. To emphasize that what is being said is the absolute truth照字面地,實在的,不誇張地
    I literally pass out at the sight of blood.


    2. Figuratively (Adj.) A figure of speech; metaphorically比喻,象徵性地
    《Example》If I see any more candy, I'm figuratively going to pass out.


Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

    1.How many colors are on the American flag? 3
    2. According to the song, what color was Rudolph’s nose? red
    3. What is a jellyfish's main way to defend itself? stings
    4. Cats don't have sweat glands over their bodies like humans do. They can only sweat through one part of their body. What is it? paws
    5. Which of the following is the best way for a penguin to travel on land? tobogganing
    6. How many hearts does an octopus have? 3