
English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要討論的是: the importance of play ,「玩」對孩子的重要性。 玩遊戲對小朋友來說是很特別的時間,不僅因為玩遊戲讓小朋友很開心,玩遊戲也可以幫助小朋友健康的發展。 So first of all we're going to look at some of the reasons for play: Learning how to share (學習如何分享); Imagination (幫助小朋友構建想像力); Emotional intelligence (發展小朋友的情緒智力); It helps you learn (玩樂可以幫助學習)。
    Some tips for play: Buy the right toys; Teach your children ‘how’ to play; Keep in mind that parents are their children's first and favorite playmates; Don't be scared; Teach your children how to care for their own toys; Organize play dates; Spend more time with your children.

    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    “Could've” or “Could Of” ? 
    Could've : could have的縮寫,這個縮寫最容易出錯之處,就是把ve發音成of。
    You have to be more careful! You could have gotten hurt! (to show emphasis)

    How to correct it: enunciate it properly ‘could've’ or ‘could have’.
    The same goes for using “would of” or “should of.”

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1. What Taiwanese city is sometimes called ‘Gang du’ or ’The Habour City?’ Kaohsiung
    2. What's a baby goat called? Kid
    3. There is a song that goes "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall…”. Can you tell us the next few sentences in this song? Humpty dumpty had a great fall, but all of the kings horses and all of the kings men, couldn't put humpty together again.
    4. A peacock is a male bird, a female version of this animal is called a…? Peahen
    5. What is the only rock regularly eaten by humans? Salt
    6. What are the 3 ‘people’ or characters which you can see on poker cards? King Queen, and Jack