
English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要討論的話題是: 想像力creativity,以及想像力可不可以學呢?So today we're going to talk about whether or not we should teach creativity and how to do so. The major topics for today's show include: 
    Why teaches creativity? 爲什麽要教小朋友想像力跟創造力呢?
    Ways to encourage creativity 要如何啓發孩子的想像力呢?
    ● Be a creative Role-Model 做個有想像力的榜樣
    ● Brainstorming 集體研討
    ● Practice! Practice! Practice! 多練習
    ● Letting your child fix things 讓孩子自己思考怎麼修復東西或事情
    ● Interactive rather than passive play 鼓勵互動式遊戲
    ● Share and tell stories 跟別人分享故事
    ● Encourage, and encourage correctly 多給孩子正面鼓勵
    ● Photography 多照相

    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    與購物或金錢相關的英文俚語 (English sayings about money):

    >> Window-shopping,意思是不買東西,逛逛開心就好
    >> Buyers-remorse,買完東西后後悔的感覺
    >> Impulse-buy,衝動的購買行動

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1. How much does a blue whale's tongue weigh? an elephant
    2. Which one of these animals sleeps with one eye open? Dolphins
    3. What is the only country which has a flag which is not rectangular? the Nepalese Flag
    4. Who is on the $5 US? Abraham Lincoln
    5. Name 3 plants and zombies from “Plants VS Zombies.” Mummy Zombie, Pirate Zombie, Coyboy Zombie
    6. Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci