
English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要討論的是: 教英文時常犯的一些錯誤。 Today we'll be discussing teaching and some of the biggest mistakes we make when we teach students English. Here are some of them which we can hopefully try and avoid:

    ● Failing to make children use their imaginations 不讓孩子發揮他們的想像力
    ● Failing to build relationships with children 沒有跟孩子建立良好的關係
    ● Using Chinese in class 在課堂中用中文
    ● Interrupt someone when they are trying 學生在想的時候打斷他的思緒
    ● Only using reading and writing as tools 只以讀寫為學習工具
    ● Failing to use English practically 沒有學習實用的英文
    ● Not setting routines 沒有養成學習程序或習慣

    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    與動物相關的英文俚語 (English Sayings about Animals):

    >> Elephant in the room,意味著一個事實明擺在眼前(心照不宣)
    >> Guinea pig,天竺鼠,意味著供作實驗的人(白老鼠)
    >> Hair of the dog,意味著可解酒的另一種酒(以毒攻毒)

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1. Which one of these kinds of animals has teeth? Fish
    2. There is a song that goes ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock, the mouse ran up the clock…” What are the next few sentences in this song? The clock struck one, the mouse ran down. Hickory, Dickory, Dock.
    3. What fairy tale character has two ugly stepsisters? Cinderella
    4. Which Taiwanese city is sometimes called The Windy City? Hsinchu
    5. What is a baby frog called? Tadpole
    6. What is a female lion called? Lioness