【2013/12/11 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要討論的是: 在國外養成的習慣( habits that you pick up while abroad)。一般而言,當習慣開始改變時,就代表你已經不是遊客,而是開始融入新環境了。Definitely, we're going to go through a list of a few different countries and what kind of habits you're likely to pick up if you live in these countries.

    ● Taking off your shoes—Asia 在室內要脫鞋

    ● Sharing food for Asians 吃飯時大家一起分菜

    ● Holding business cards with two hands 給名片時要兩隻手拿

    ● Picking up little phrases 開始說本地的常用語

    ● Different customs from different countries 不同國家的習俗

    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    與愛相關的英文俚語 (English Sayings about Love):

    1. To tie the knot綁一個結 (意思:結婚)
    EX: Did you know that Jeremy and Jessica are engaged?
    Wow, that's great. When are they going to tie the knot?

    2. To have a crush on someone 喜歡或是暗戀
    EX: Yup, I think she has a crush on him.

    3. To be head over heels in love with someone頭朝下跌 (意思:深深地愛上一個)
    EX: Wow, that man is head over heels in love with her.

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1.  How many people live in Taiwan? 23 millions
    2. What is a dollar called in Japan? the Yen
    3. In the Lion King, what was the name of Simba's father? Mufasa
    4. If you were born in 1968 how old would you be now? 45 or 46
    5. True or False: Sharks do not blink? True
    6. In British English it's called a biscuit. In American, English it is called a _____? Cookie