【2014/1/22 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要討論的主題是很生根蒂固的一個中華文化-孝順長輩 (filial piety)。孝順這兩個字其實在英文裡是很難解釋的,一般外國人都沒有聽過。Today's topic is very close to the hearts and traditions of the Taiwanese people, because it's linked so closely to Chinese culture. This translates into English as filial piety, or having the virtue of respect for one's parents and ancestors. So to break this one up, filial means relating to, or befitting a son or a daughter, or relating to the relationship of a child to a parent. So basically, the dynamic between children and parents. ‘filial piety’,翻譯過來是指子女跟父母之間好的關係。


    Here are some topics that we will go over today.

    ●Does the West have filial piety too? 西方人也有孝順父母這個概念嗎?

    ●What do Taiwanese people do that surprises foreigners 台灣人做那些孝順的事是會讓外國人覺得很驚訝?

    ●Books filled with examples of filial piety課本,童話書都會有提到孝道

    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

Some English sayings that has to do with money.

1. To bring home the bacon 賺錢養家糊口
EX: I have been working hard all month bringing home the bacon for my family.


2. To cost an arm and a leg東西很貴
EX: My new television cost an arm and a leg. 


3. Going Dutch 各自付帳
EX: There are seven of us here. It will cost you an arm and a leg. Let's all go dutch.

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1. If you mix together red paint and white paint, which color do you get? pink
    2. Name 4 continents. North America, South America, Antartica, Europe, Asia, or Africa
    3. What animals are associated with Easter? rabbits and chickens
    4. How do you say thank you in Spanish? Gracias
    5. Complete the name of this Dr. Seuss book. “Green eggs and _______.” Ham
    6. Which one of the following planets has the shortest day? It makes one rotation about its axis every 10 hours. Jupiter