【2014/2/5 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要討論的主題是: 在家學英文的好方法- Good ways to learn English at home. This episode is really good for adults who are learning English, especially those who are busy with work all the time. 如果你常常在想,要學英文但是沒有時間,那你就一定要聽我們今天的節目了。

    Here are some topics that we will go over today.

    ●多聽英文電臺Listen to the radio in English

    ●上網聽播客Listen to podcasts

    ●找筆友Make some pen pals

    ●跟外國人交朋友Make friends with native-English speakers

    ●看英文電視(不要有中文字幕)Watch some English TV

    ●多查英英字典Use an English-English dictionary

    ●試著多用剛學到的英文單詞或是句型Use your newly-learned idioms or vocabulary

    ●註冊網上的學習課程Enroll in a distance learning English language

    ●網上的免費學習資源Use free Internet resources for learning English

    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

What can I say when I see foreigners?

●Just do it! 不要猶豫!

●To welcome or not to welcome? 要不要歡迎他們來到台灣?

●Basics 什麽場合都可以用

●Starting with an apology 抱歉

●Context clues 說跟場合有關的句子

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1.What is a baby Eagle called? an eaglet
  • 2.What the loudest land animal? a howler Monkey
  • 3.Which one of these animals cannot jump? an elephant
  • 4.There is a song which goes “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.” What are the next
  • two sentences in this song? Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.
  • 5.Where is the biggest Disneyland in Asia? Tokyo
  • 6.There is only one kind of fruit that has its seeds on the outside. What is it? strawberry