【2014/3/19 節目內容】

English Corner 弋果新鮮事

    今天弋果新鮮事要跟大家談的主題是:科技 (Technology)。Today's children are growing up in a rapidly changing digital age that is far different from that of their parents and grandparents. Here are some of the main points which will be discussed in the show.

    ● Technology has changed mainstream culture and how we manage our lives.

    ● Technology outside of the classroom

    ● Tablets in the classroom

    ● New needs of employers

    ● For parents

    ● Benefits


    (For more about this topic, please listen to the show.)


Question of the Day 弋果一點通

    Acronyms are abbreviated phrase or a word. 縮寫詞

    ● BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation

    ● CD-ROM (光盤): Compact Disc read-only memory

    ● Interpol (國際刑警組織): International Criminal Police Organization

    ● NCAA: National Collegiate Athletic Association - pronounced N C double A.

    ● 3M: originally Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company

    ● 3 Ws- world wide web

Eagle Pursuit 弋果腦筋急轉彎

  • 1.What large island is south of Melbourne, Australia? Tasmania
    2.What is the fifth largest country in the world? Brazil
    3.What does the abbreviation WWW stand for? World Wide Web
    4.A spider typically has eight legs and eight what? Eyes
    5.In the game of Chess, which unit do you have to take to win the game? The king
    6.How many movies has Ang Lee directed? 13